8 Ideas to Introduce Young Kids to Ramadan
, by Mona Jaber, 3 min reading time
, by Mona Jaber, 3 min reading time
Ramadan is a special time for Muslim families to come together, share love and give back to their communities. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and marks the time when the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him. So how do you introduce young kids to Ramadan and teach about its significance?
Here are a few of our favorite ideas to celebrate Ramadan with your kids and some Ramadan gifts ideas:
Make your home extra special for your kids to feel the arrival of the holy month. Dedicate a special corner in the house to be the “Ramadan corner”, setup a big cardboard mosque, put out the kids’ prayer mats, decorate it with crescent/star string lights, add in a few oversized lanterns and hang your Ramadan Calendar.
Make the countdown to Eid official and interactive with a Ramadan calendar filled with sweet treats, little gifts, good deed cards, flashcards, books and anything else that gets your little ones excited about Ramadan and Eid. Use the opportunity at Iftar time to discuss with your child something educational about Islam (you can add an informative card about Islam in each pocket).
Get your kids excited about Ramadan the night before by offering them each their own Ramadan gift basket, which can include matching Ramadan Pajamas, a book about Ramadan, and an Islamic toy.
There is nothing that says “celebration” more than matching pajamas! Our ramadan Pajamas and rompers cover kids from birth to 14 years old – there is no kid too big to join the matching pajama party!
The best way to introduce kids to anything is through storytelling. We have curated a selection of books that talk about Islam, Ramadan, giving thanks to Allah and a lot more. Story books with beautiful illustrations are the best to deliver impactful messages to children. We love setting up a reading corner; put pillows, a cozy rug, twinkly lights, and a basket full of Ramadan-related books!
Explore our range of Ramadan-themed cookie cutters to make mosques, lanterns, crescents, stars, and use the opportunity to explain to your children the significance of each of those items. Some questions you could use to spark conversation:
“What is a mosque?”
“Why do we pray in Mosques?”
“Do you know the different names of the moon?”
“How many days does the moon need to become a full moon”
“How do we know when Eid starts?
As one of the five pillars of Islam, charity, Zaka, is an essential part of Ramadan. Although we want to instill charity as a family value all year round, Ramadan is a special month to introduce kids to it. One idea is to pack iftar meals together as a family and distributing them to less privileged people in your communities.
Young kids learn best through play. How can we explain to kids big ideas like: “what is Hajj?” or “how do we pray?”. We play! We especially love Lila & Tiny’s range of Islamic toys that can deliver big concepts through simple play. The Makkah city set is our absolute favorite!
May this holy month be a blessed one for you and your family and may peace and love fill every home around the world ✨🌙